Goal: $350,000

Helping Over 700 families in Zichron Moshe Yerushalayim WIth Basics for Yom Tov


Harav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlit"a

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Children funded
Families funded

About Kupas Zichron Moshe

In Yerushalayim, life has resumed its regular pace — or so it seems. Rockets don’t fly overhead and the battleground is miles away. But inside small, decrepit apartments, children go to sleep with hunger pangs and wake up with despair in their eyes.
The war has caused inflation to drive the price of food to unprecedented heights.
The lack of labor, and lack of imports from other countries has resulted in an economic disaster. Families that struggled to put food on the table in the past can no longer meet their children’s basic needs. 
In Zichron Moshe, hundreds of unassuming families live in tiny apartments with the most basic of necessities. The heads of the household are talmidei chachamim whose families take pride in serving Hashem. 
The humble Jews of Zichron Moshe have always been an inspiration to countless people, including the hundreds of American bachurim who flock each year to learn in Eretz Yisrael. They have given us so much – and now it’s time for us to give to them.
Over 12 years ago, Kupas Zichron Moshe was established by Rav Aharon Nimerovsky to assist needy families in the Zichron Moshe neighborhood of Yerushalayim with their Shabbos and Yom Tov expenses. The kupah operates under the auspices of Rav Gamliel Rabinovich, Rav Moshe Elyashiv, and Rav Yitzchak Soloveitchik.
To date, the kupah has assisted hundreds of families. An additional 150 families have reached out for help. 
Please consider helping us so we can provide for the needy in Zichron Moshe who rely on us so much.
In the zchus of your generosity, may you be zoche to always have whatever you need, in abundance.




Family of 3 $250 Family of 5 $350 Family of 7 $450
No record found.

Total raised



Goal: $350,000
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    Read the letters
    we received
    from the
    families in
    Zichron Moshe

    Click here to read all
    thank you letters

    Messages from
    the Vaad Rabonim
    Zichron Moshe

    All donors should be blessed with all brachos, ruchniyos, gashmiyus and health, for you and your families

    Harav Moshe Elyashiv, Vaad Hakupah

    These gaboim that are in charge of the kupah take nothing for themselves. It's fully Lshem Shamayim

    Harav Gamliel Rabinowitz

    Endorsed by:

    Harav Gamliel Rabinowitz

    These are my friends and neighbors! Those who help them, are personally helping me" Harav Gamliel Rabinowitz

    To Our Brothers in Klal Yisroel,

    You are fortunate that you have merited to be the emissaries of Hashem, to take the zchus in the mitzvah of tzedakah, for poor Talmidei Chachamim that toil in Torah with bare necessities, on an unimaginable level of devotion to Torah and Mitzvos while it is hard for them even to bring bread for their children.

    These are talmidei chachamim that the world stands on, that are living in extreme poverty.

    Baruch Hashem, in our neighborhood we have a group of local trustworthy individuals, that took upon themselves to worry for these families and to assist them in every way possible. We know these gabaim and that all their activities are all lshem shamayim .

    It is a tremendous zchus to help them and to take part in this great mitzvah and fortunate is the one that will stand with these chashuve askanim.

    In this zchus may you all be blessed with all good, and Hashem should grant you all your heart’s desires, and you will merit nachas from your families, with health and great hashpaah.

    HaRav Gamliel Hakohen Rabinovitch
    Harav Moshe Elyashiv
    HaRav Ahron Fisher
    HaRav Yitzchak Soloveitchik